Eggless Chocolate Cake <3

Ok so one of my closest friends is studying in UK and he decided he was going to come and visit home , ofcourse he told me , but it was more of a surprise for everyone else ( I’m such a secret keeper you see) . So I decided I’d make him a cake for when he was back . My only problem was I knew only how to make a cake with  egg in it , and it always happens that one of my friends cannot eat it because she’s vegetarian and I always end up feeling bad 😦 So I decided enough is enough I’m making and Eggless one .





After extensively watching a LOT of youtube videos and blog posts and all I finally came up with a recipe . Now this isn’t entirely mine, but I have taken into consideration a lot of recipes and finally come up with a super recipe, for an eggless chocolate cake.



200ml condensed milk

50 g butter + extra to grease the pans

20g of castor sugar if you want it

100g dark/ milk chocolate whatever you like

1 can of diet coca cola  ( preferably diet but if you can’t get your hands on it , normal will do )

1 cup flour

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp baking soda

1/4 tsp salt

3tbsp cocoa powder


For ganache (optional)

250g white chocolate

200 ml fresh cream ( I used Amul)


Start by melting the butter so it’s soft enough and mix it with the condensed milk in another bowl . Mix it constantly till it’s well incorporated

Then grease and line your pans. Because after this , the cake batter will come up within minutes. Also Preheat your oven at 180 degrees Celsius which is almost 350 Fahrenheit

Next in a separate bowl sift together the flour,baking soda, baking powder , salt and cocoa and give it a good mix .

Melt the dark/milk chocolate in the microwave and mix it in with the condensed milk and butter till incorporated .

Then slowly add all the dry ingredients to the wet and mix it . The batter will be very thick and this is where the can of coca cola comes in hand . Open the can and slowly keep adding as much as you need to get it to a thinner , batter like consistency .

Note: Initially it may not seem like it’s coming together , but trust me it will .

Then pour the batter in the pans and bake it at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes but check at 15 minutes to see how far along it is as different ovens have different power also the consistency of your batter makes a difference .

While the cake is in the oven , in a pan over low heat , bring the cream to a slight simmer ,cut up your white chocolate and put it in a bowl . Once you see bubbles appearing at the edge of the pan , the cream is ready .

Pour it over the chocolate and let it sit for atleast 2 minutes.

Then stir and ensure the chocolate has completely melted and there are no lumps . Then leave it aside to cool , once cooled let it sit in the refrigerator for atleast half an hour

Note: It is REALLY hot in Mumbai , which means your ganache will melt very easily so you may have to refrigerate it for much longer

Once done get the ganache out and whip it till you have soft peaks and the refrigerate it again . By this time your cake should be ready as well , so get it out of the oven and let it cool completely

Once cooled , slice the cake into half and if you want spread the ganache , but I spread a bit of  Nutella because it just gives it a different taste.

Then sandwich the cake back together and use the ganache to do the icing on top . I just spread it evenly and then refrigerated it again , it came out very glossy looking .

If you aren’t making it for a special occasion you can have it just like that , but if it’s an occasion you can do a milk chocolate lace around the cake like I did or write a message on top of the cake . But be very careful because as in my case because of the heat , the chocolate decorations kept melting 😦 I had to do half my work in the freezer

Nonetheless everyone enjoyed the cake and it was a hit ! I was surprised too as it was the first time I attempted an eggless chocolate cake .

Hope you enjoyed the recipe

Thank you for reading xx.